Umin Studio


Website User hereby acknowledges and agrees that Krystyna Uminska shall be deemed to be the owner of any intellectual property rights relating to the products, images and text which appear on and/or are the subject matter of this website. In any situation in which Uminska were deemed not to own all copyright, title and interest in the products, images and text contemplated hereunder, Website User hereby assigns and transfers to Uminska, or to her designee, all rights, including copyright, title and interest, in and to all such images, products and text. Website User further agrees to execute documents in connection with such assignment.

Website User hereby acknowledges and agrees that Uminska shall own any and all intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, ideas, discoveries, inventions, documents, designs, drawings, electronic media, images, calculations, photographs and narrative appearing on this site (“IP Rights”). Uminska owns all IP Rights in perpetuity, worldwide, royalty free and freely assignable from the time of their creation and to the fullest extent permitted by law. Website User agrees that Uminska shall have the irrevocable right to use and exploit such IP Rights and to exercise any moral rights therein on her behalf to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, including without limitation the right to create derivative works, alter the works and determine whether, when, where, how and under what name such works shall be published.  Website User’s entry to site confirms User’s agreement to all aforesaid terms.